Sunday, August 10, 2008

Memory Lane, All Links

I still don’t know why Memory Lane part 5 didn’t work for so many people, the first time I had a comma in the name but after I fixed it the link should have worked for everybody. I re-zipped and uploaded it 5 times and I even re-saved the elements in case one of them was corrupt but nothing worked. I finally decided that it was cursed and that was that. I had Lori download it and she re-zipped and uploaded it so the 6th time should be the charm. I have put all of the links at the bottom of this post so you don’t have to hunt for them. I changed the names of the first two links so that it is not so confusing, the first two links contain the first 4 parts of the kit. The other links are parts 5, 6, and 7. Since this has been so messed up I will leave all of the links up until Friday the 25.

Even though I have 18 kits in various stages I don’t think I will have time to finish up one for August. The reason I won’t have time is because SAS is having a birthday soon. Yes, SAS turns 1 on September 12th and I will tell you what, we plan to celebrate big time. We have SO many things planned, special contests, activities and FREEBIES, lots and lots of freebies, so many freebies that they will be coming out of our ears (excuse me I got carried away…LOL.) I have to keep most of the festivities secret for a little while longer but one thing I can tell you about is that we are having a designer contest. We are looking for a few designers to join the SAS team. If you would like to give it a try or if you want lots and lots of free kits from the contest be sure to check in to the forum on the 1st of September. We will have more information posted there soon. Well, that is all I can tell you for now but stay tuned for more exciting details.

Memory Lane 1 to 4

Memory Lane 5

Memory Lane 6

Memory Lane 7

Parts 1 to 4 are combined into 2 links
Download Memory Lane 1st part of 1 to 4 Here

Download Memory Lane 2nd part of 1 to 4 Here

Download Memory Lane 5 Here

Download Memory Lane 6 Here

Download Memory Lane 7 Here