We were hoping to open the store next week but with all of the details to work out I decided it would be better to be safe than sorry. I have heard of opening days that go so badly that people do not get products or that servers get shut down for a few days. So we are going to open sometime between the 10th and the 13th. We are going to do a practice run on the store where the CT and the rest of the team go through and purchase free and discounted items to make sure that the cart system and all of the links are right. I would rather take the time to get it right and save our customers any hassle. At this point I could probably write a book on opening a store, but I will tell you I could not have done this without such a great support team. Everyone from the creative teams to my assistants are giving everything they have to make this successful. I don’t know how other people open stores, this has been one of the hardest but most gratifying things I have ever done. I am still amazed on a daily basis of the generosity and capabilities of women just like me all over the world who have pitched in, When I get tired and start to wonder if this is all worth it I think of all of the people that are involved and know that it is so very worth the effort.
As you have probably heard on the other designer’s blogs our newsletter is going to be jammed packed with freebies and specials, make sure you are registered in the forum and that you agree to receive mail from the administrators, because these offers will only be available through the newsletter and you do not want to miss it. Be sure to go by all of the other designer’s blogs for their freebies.
Good news for all of you that won coupons for free kits in the posting contest, I have 4 kits in the works and hope to have more by opening day so you will have so things to choose from. I need to get into Zen Cart and figure out how to get them to you sometime before opening day.

Be sure to get both parts.
Download Feelin SAS-y part 3+4a Here
Download Feelin SAS-y part 3+4b Here
I forgot to put the link in the forum yesterday, it is there now, sorry, I will make something extra to make up fro your trouble
Click here to go to the Member Giveaway area in the forum for the bonus. Be sure to check out all of the great contests we will be starting on the first, Enjoy!