Hi All, I wanted to let you know where I disappeared to. Besides the million little things I have been doing to get ready for our grand opening, I have been getting ready for my daughter to visit. Beth joined the Air Force 2 years ago and has only been home 3 times for 4-5 days since. The field she has been studying for takes over 2 years to complete and she has not been able to take leave except for Christmas, She has just completed a major portion of training (I don’t want to say too much about what she does because I did not clear it with her) so she can take 26 days of her leave. As you all know I have been working on getting things done for the store all day every day for the last 6 weeks, you can imagine what happens to your house when you pretty much ignore it for that long. I will give you a hint as to how bad it was, the other day when I mentioned to my DH that I needed to get some cleaning done he said “Yea, it looks like a Hell hole” any other time I would have smacked him but unfortunately he was not too far off in his assessment. I have never been a fanatic about a clean house, our house looked lived in, it was always a bit messy, partially because all 5 of us are pack rats, but it has never been dirty, well I am telling the world right now that my house has gotten very dirty. So I have been trying to get it cleaned up a bit so when Beth comes home it is not a complete wreck. With my elbow I can’t do a lot of heavy cleaning but at least now the kitchen does not crunch as we walk…LOL. I know I promised you another part of Feelin SAS-y on Monday and I have been working on it but I don’t even have the time right now to package it up. So it will be a few more days, but
what I will do is put part 4 and 5 up at the same time. I do have some big news to share with you today thou, we have
two new designers joining the SAS-y Ladies team, Lisa West of
Lisa West Designs and
KoriB who you might recognize from the Go Digital Scraps contest are our newest designers. I asked them to hold off on their announcement so they might not have it on their blogs yet. They both have very exciting styles that I think will round out our offerings wonderfully.
We are working on the newsletter and all of us have great
freebies and Grand Opening specials so be sure to go to the forum and register and leave the “Receive Email from Administrators” checked. I promise you that we will not send you e-mails more than once a week unless something really spectacular is happening. You should check out the other designer’s blogs, I know some of them have freebies they are offering. Well it seems that every day a few more things get done but everyday there is always something else to take care of. I will tell you that none of this could have happened without the help of a lot of good dedicated people. I will have information on the quick page round up soon, Olga does not think it is a good idea to have people upload the QPs themselves in case there is a virus, so we think it would be best to run them through some kind of virus detection program just to keep everyone safe. I will let you know as soon as we get that figured out.
BethO, yes we actually call her that the O in JulieO is kind of a family name...LOL